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Una de las líneas de trabajo del Plan General de Desarrollo 2007-2011 de la Rectoría de la UNAM consiste en vincular la enseñanza del inglés en el bachillerato con la licenciatura y el posgrado, con la finalidad de fortalecer el aprendizaje de este idioma y, de esta manera, darle a los egresados una herramienta de trabajo, estudio y cultura. Por ello, la comunidad universitaria consideró que era cada vez más necesario ampliar el aprendizaje de inglés, de una sola habilidad (comprensión de lectura) a las cuatro habilidades (comprensión de lectura, producción oral, comprensión auditiva y producción escrita).
En este contexto de reacomodo de política académica, lo que los alumnos necesitan es una herramienta que les sirva para aprender, por su propia cuenta y a su propio ritmo, o apegados al sílabo de un libro, o a un primer acercamiento a un programa. Por eso, para apoyar el mejoramiento del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del idioma inglés en la modalidad de cuatro habilidades, se concibió el diseño de un Portal WEB.
El objetivo de este Portal es presentar una serie de materiales didácticos electrónicos organizados en módulos para favorecer el logro de temas identificados como particularmente difíciles en los niveles A1 y A2 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia. Por medio del portal se están incorporando al aprendizaje del idioma inglés las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC).
En la sección dirigida a los profesores, los docentes de inglés podrán encontrar en el Portal estrategias didácticas para la enseñanza de los Niveles A1 y A2 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia. Las estrategias aquí presentadas fueron ya probadas y cuentan con materiales didácticos adicionales que los profesores pueden aplicar independientemente del libro de texto que empleen de manera cotidiana.
En este Portal WEB, los alumnos de Inglés del bachillerato de la UNAM, encontrarán materiales didácticos electrónicos que le ayudarán a consolidar su aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera (LE) en la modalidad de cuatro habilidades o a extender su práctica y su exposición a la lengua extranjera de manera independiente; y los profesores de Inglés encontrarán una fuente adicional de materiales suplementarios para enriquecer o sustentar la enseñanza de algunos temas detectados como particularmente difíciles de aprender por los alumnos en clase.
Description: Describing activities.
Keywords: Clothing and accesories & verbs
Grammar: Present continuous
Description: In this activity the students talks about their family.
Keywords: who, how old, is, are, she, he, numbers
Grammar: Questions (who / how old) + verb to be
Description: In this section, students practice the pronunciation numbers.
Keywords: Numbers 0-20
Grammar: Numbers 0-20
Description: In this section students practice relationship with others.
Keywords: My, his, her, our, their, ’S.
Grammar: Possessive adjetives and nouns
Description: Students will practice the pronunciation of the personal titles.
Keywords: Titles, Mr., Ms., Mrs., Miss
Grammar: Personal titles
Description: ---
Keywords: Plans, Future, Time expressions
Grammar: Present continuous (future), time expressions
Description: In this section students practice the use of present continuous and expression of time.
Keywords: Present continuous, future, plans, time expressions
Grammar: Present continuous (future)
Description: Students record an audio pretending to ask their parents for permission.
Keywords: Present continuous, future, plans, memoria
Grammar: Present continuous (future)
Description: In this section students will record some statements about items in a bedroom.
Keywords: Bedroom, there is, there are, bed.
Grammar: there is and there are
Description: Practice a conversation with a partner
Keywords: Speaking, conversation, event, invitation
Grammar: Events and Times
Description: Writing practice of affirmative and negative form of simple present.
Keywords: Present simple affirmative and negative, writing practice
Grammar: Simple present
Description: In this section the student will practice with different jobs.
Keywords: Occupations, vocabulary.
Grammar: Verb to be
Description: In this section you will read a short list with tips for speaking.
Keywords: Speaking tips.
Description: In this section you will hear to the pronunciation of occupations You will focus on stress.
Keywords: Speaking, syllable stress, pronunciation.
Grammar: Occupations
Description: In this section you will describe three famous people and then you will describe your best friend.
Keywords: Personal information, famous people.
Grammar: Verb to be, occupations
Description: In this section you will record an interview to friend, a classmate or a family member.
Keywords: Personal information, interview.
Grammar: Verb to be, occupations.
Description: You’re inviting a friend to have breakfast at home. Choose the food for your table. Give a description of the food on the table.
Keywords: Is there/ Are there, countable uncountable nouns.
Grammar: Is there/ Are there, countable and uncountable nouns.
Description: Student classify countable and uncountable nouns.
Keywords: Countable uncountable nouns.
Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns.
Description: Students ask and answer questions using how many and how much in order to complete a shopping list.
Keywords: How many, how much questions.
Grammar: How many, how much questions.
Description: Repeat the verbs.
Keywords: Verbs, past, repeat.
Grammar: Correct pronunciation of regular verbs in the past tense.
Description: Comic strip.
Keywords: Verbs, past, pronunciation.
Grammar: Correct pronunciation of regular verbs in the past tense.
Description: Use the correct irregular verb.
Keywords: Verbs, irregular, actions.
Grammar: Irregular verbs in the past tense.
Description: Talk about the past.
Keywords: Verbs, irregular, actions.
Grammar: Irregular verbs in the past tense.
Description: The students will record a suggestion.
Keywords: Should.
Grammar: Future structure.
Description: The students will repeat the sentences.
Keywords: Should.
Grammar: Future structure.
Description:Students will study the different ways to pronounce the regular verbs.
Keywords: Regular verbs, pronunciation, -ed ending.
Grammar: Regular verbs.
Description: Students imagine that something strange happened in the last hallowing party they had, and they talk about it.
Keywords: Party, when, while, strange, horror, terrible, afraid.
Grammar: Simple past.
Description: In this section students will record their voices to create a First Conditional sentence.
Keywords: Conditionals, will.
Grammar: Conditional sentences type one.
Description: In this section students will answer some questions with the grammar structure for the First Conditional.
Keywords: Conditionals, will.
Grammar: Conditional sentence type one.
Description: The student writes a comic using Future Simple in affirmative and negative form, then he prints it and reads it out and records it and takes it to his tutor or English teacher so they can check his work.
Keywords: Will, won’t.
Grammar: Future Simple.
Description: The student writes a short description using Simple Present and Present Continuous. Then he prints it and reads it out and record it and take it to his tutor or English teacher so they can check your work.
Keywords: Simple Present and Present Continuous in affirmative, question and negative forms.
Grammar: Simple Present vs Present Continuous.
Description: Students complete some pieces of conversation in which people suggest remedies to different problems, then students are asked to record some of the conversations.
Keywords: Advice, remedy, should.
Grammar: Should for advice.
Description: Students suggest remedies to somebody who is sick.
Keywords: Advice, remedy, should.
Grammar: Should for advice.
Description: Users practice the use of imperative in a communicative context.
Keywords: Demonstrative adjectives, this, that, clothes.
Grammar: Demonstrative adjectives.
Description: The student will use first conditional structure to support his ideas.
Keywords: If … will/won’t, reading
Grammar: If … will/won’t.
Description: Student will describe how an interesting party was.
Keywords: Was, were.
Grammar: Verb to be in past.
Description: Students read and listen to a boy describing his last birthday. Then they listen again and repeat the text. Finally the student records his own description about his last birthday.
Keywords: ate, birthday, breakfast, danced, drank, fun, gave, last, party, played, sang, saw, wake up, went.
Grammar: The Past Tense of the Verbs.
Description: Students read and listen to a boy describing his last birthday. Then they listen again and repeat the text. Finally the student records his own description about his last birthday.
Keywords: ate, birthday, breakfast, danced, drank, fun, gave, last, party, played, sang, saw, wake up, went.
Grammar: The Past Tense of the Verbs.
Description: Users practice the pronunciation of demonstrative adjectives: this, that, these, those.
Keywords: demonstrative adjectives, this, that, clothes.
Grammar: demonstrative adjectives.
Description: Users practice the use of demonstrative adjectives in a communicative context.
Keywords: demonstrative adjectives, this, that, clothes.
Grammar: demonstrative adjectives.
Description: Students describe some people and then they record their descriptions.
Keywords: Adjectives, descriptions, speaking.
Grammar: Adjectives for physical descriptions with have and be.
Description: Students record a conversation in which they describe the perfect man or woman.
Keywords: Adjectives, descriptions, speaking.
Grammar: Adjectives for physical descriptions with have and be.
Description: Students will practice giving directions.
Keywords: between, in front of, near , next to, on, behind.
Grammar: Prepositions of place and giving directions.
Description: Students give the description of the necessary ingredients to prepare food.
Keywords: have, want, need, like.
Grammar: The Simple Present Tense of have, want, need, and like.
Description: Express what you can and can’t do.
Keywords: can, can’t
Grammar: Can and adverbs to describe abilities.
Description: Talk about things that you can and can’t do
Keywords: Can, adverbs.
Grammar: Can and adverbs to describe abilities.
Description: Students will practice can or could to ask for permission or request for help.
Keywords: Can/could. Permission, requests, agreeing and refusing.
Grammar: Permission, requests, agreeing and refusing.
Description: In this section students will connect ideas about the zero conditional structure.
Keywords: Simple present, If clauses, conditionals
Grammar: Zero conditional clauses.
Description: Answer the questions use your own ideas.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Zero conditional.
Description: Students will say aloud the questions.
Keywords: Wh questions, wh words, simple present.
Grammar: Wh questions in Simple Present.
Description: The students will make a questions with the information given in the answer. They will need to record their voices.
Keywords: Wh questions, wh words, simple present.
Grammar: Wh questions in Simple Present.
Description: The student will repeat the words he / she hears.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Plurals.
Description: The student will speak plural words.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Plurals.
Description: Ss will sing a song.
Keywords: Me, you, it, him, her, us, them.
Grammar: Object pronouns.
Description: Ss will sing a song
Keywords: Me, you, it, him, her, us, them.
Grammar: Object pronouns.
Description: Explain location of different objects.
Keywords: On, in, at.
Grammar: Prepositions of place.
Description: Create the questions for an interesting interview.
Keywords: On, in, at, prepositions, time, place.
Grammar: Prepositions of place and time.
Description: In this section students practice their speaking ability by recording a series of sentences. Students should use subject and object pronouns.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Personal Pronouns: subject and object pronouns.
Description: In this section students should practice their speaking ability by recording their written advice from the previous section.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Personal Pronouns: subject , object, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns.
Description: Students will use should to give advice.
Keywords: Should giving advice.
Grammar: Should.
Description: The students will describe pictures.
Keywords: Describing, adjectives.
Grammar: Order of adjectives.
Description: Students will talked about the last time they go out with their friends.
Keywords: Regular verbs in past simple.
Grammar: Regular verbs, past simple.
Description: The student.
Keywords: Present continuous, wh- questions.
Grammar: ’Wh’ questions in the present continuous tense.
Description: The student.
Keywords: Present continuous, wh- questions.
Grammar: ’Wh’ questions in the present continuous tense.
Description: Students will practice a short dialogue declining an invitation.
Keywords: busy, can’t, invitation, let’s, sorry.
Grammar: Too + adjective to express a problem.
Description: The students will record a short talk or interview.
Keywords: Recording, speaking, tenses.
Grammar: Tenses, past, present, future.
Description: Students will read the sentences and will record to their computers the appropriate use of the articles.
Keywords: Articles, usage.
Grammar: ---
Description: The student will use a guideline to make a recording about his/ her friend.
Keywords: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Grammar: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Description: The student will record a small talk about his likes in movies.
Keywords: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Grammar: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Description: Ask and answer questions to give permission or not.
Keywords: Can I…? You can… You can’t…
Grammar: Questions and answers using can.
Description: Ask and answer questions about other people.
Keywords: Can he/she…? Can they…?
Grammar: Dialogue using can about someone else.
Description: Comparing different masterpieces in the art gallery.
Keywords: Adjectives,
Grammar: Adjectives and verb to be.
Description: Talk about the comparison of some articles at the supermarket.
Keywords:, is, isn’t, are, aren’t
Grammar: Verb to be and adjectives to express equalities.
Description: The student have to listen the information and answer the questions about the verbs.
Keywords: Present continuous, playing, cooking, swimming, eating, walking, shoping
Grammar: Present continuous
Description: Read and select the apropriate answer
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Present continuous
Description: Read and get the idea
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Present continuous
Description: Selecting the best answer
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Present continuous
Description: This a short text which briefly introduces and describes each of the members of this famous family.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Questions (who / how old) + verb to be
Description: The students read and complete the required information about numbers.
Keywords: Numbers 0-20
Grammar: Numbers 0-20
Description: Students read the text and complete sentences.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Possessive adjectives and nouns
Description: Student will read and identyfy the name of the families. Then, they will answer if the sentences are true or false.
Keywords: Titles, Mr., Ms., Mrs., Miss
Grammar: Personal Titles
Description: Memory game. In this exercise students match the ideas with their ilustration.
Keywords: Present continuous, future, plans, memoria
Grammar: Present continuous (future)
Description: Students complete sentences by placing time expressions base on a calendar.
Keywords: Present continuous, future, plans, memoria
Grammar: Present continuous (future)
Description: ---
Keywords: Future, Time expressions, Plans
Grammar: Present continuous (future), time expressions
Description: Students will illustrate a livingroom.
Keywords: Living room, describir, there is / there are
Grammar: there is and there are
Description: Tell time using an analog clock.
Keywords: Time, analog clock, digital clock
Grammar: Events and Times
Description: Tell time using an digital clock.
Keywords: Time, analog clock, digital clock
Grammar: Events and Times
Description: Reading comprehension practice (simple present)
Keywords: Present simple
Grammar: Simple Present
Description: In this section you will read an Amy’s e-mail.
Keywords: Reading, descriptions
Grammar: Verb to be, occupations
Description: In this section you will practice your reading skill.
Keywords: Read, dance
Grammar: Verb to be
Description: Students will read and identify main and supporting ideas.
Keywords: Reading, recipe, chef, learning how to cook, countable and uncoutable.
Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns. Vocabulary food.
Description: Identify the past tense of regular verbs.
Keywords: Past, verbs, memory.
Grammar: Regular verbs in the past tense.
Description: Identify the appropriate verb and its past tense form.
Keywords: Verbs, past.
Grammar: The past tense of regular verbs.
Description: Identify the appropriate verb and its past tense form.
Keywords: Verbs, past.
Grammar: The past tense of regular verbs.
Description: Look for irregular verbs in past.
Keywords: Irregular, verbs, past tense.
Grammar: Recognize the past tense of irregular verbs.
Description: Choose the correct irregular verb spelling.
Keywords: Irregular, verbs, past.
Grammar: Recognize the correct spelling of the irregular verbs in the past tense.
Description: Practice comprehension of irregular verbs in the past tense.
Keywords: Verbs, past.
Grammar: The past tense of irregular verbs.
Description: The student will scan for information.
Keywords: Travel, be going to.
Grammar: Future structure.
Description: The student will transfer information from a paragraph to a diagram.
Keywords: Travel, be going to.
Grammar: Future structure.
Description: The student is going to organize a short story.
Keywords: Ghost, reading, tale, story.
Grammar: Simple past.
Description: The student is going to organize a short story.
Keywords: Ghost, reading, tale, story.
Grammar: Simple past.
Description: Read and fill in the blanks.
Keywords: If clauses, main clauses, conditionals.
Grammar: First conditional.
Description: Read and fill in the blanks.
Keywords: If clauses, main clauses, conditionals.
Grammar: First conditional.
Description: The student reads a text about Future Simple and answers the questions.
Keywords: Will.
Grammar: Future Simple.
Description: The student shows his understanding about Simple Present and Present Continuous on a reading.
Keywords: Simple Present, Present Continuous.
Grammar: Simple Present, Present Continuous.
Description: Students read several pieces of advice and then, they try to guess what the problems are.
Keywords: Advice, remedy, should.
Grammar: Should for advice.
Description: Students read a Web page which seems to be a famous social network called "Facelook". They read different advice given to somebody who is sick. After that, they answer a reading comprehension exercise.
Keywords: Advice, remedy, should.
Grammar: Should for advice.
Description: Users develop the ability of telling between the simple present tense and the imperative in written discourse.
Keywords: Imperative, means of transportation.
Grammar: Imperative.
Description: Users practice reading comprehension and the use of the imperative as a tool for making suggestions and solving problems about transportation.
Keywords: Demonstrative adjectives, this, that, clothes.
Grammar: Demonstrative adjectives.
Description: The student will be exposed to first conditional structure, he will use strategies to read for gist and general ideas.
Keywords: First conditional, If… will/won’t, organizador gráfico.
Grammar: First conditional, If… will/won’t.
Description: The student will be exposed to first conditional structure, he will also read to infer vocabulary and to get main ideas of the text.
Keywords: If … will/won’t, reading.
Grammar: If … will/won’t.
Description: The student will identify true facts by reading a story.
Keywords: Was, were, simple past.
Grammar: Past of verb to be.
Description: The student will identify true facts by reading a story.
Keywords: Was, were, simple past.
Grammar: Past of verb to be.
Description: In this activity students read a short biography about a famous musician.
Keywords: became, changed, continued, died, divorced, had, Kurt Cobain, liked, lived, married, Nirvana, prepared, started, was, went, were, won, wrote.
Grammar: The Past Tense of the Verbs.
Description: In this activity students read a short biography about a famous musician.
Keywords: became, changed, continued, died, divorced, had, Kurt Cobain, liked, lived, married, Nirvana, prepared, started, was, went, were, won, wrote.
Grammar: The Past Tense of the Verbs.
Description: In this activity students read a short biography about a famous musician.
Keywords: became, changed, continued, died, divorced, had, Kurt Cobain, liked, lived, married, Nirvana, prepared, started, was, went, were, won, wrote.
Grammar: The Past Tense of the Verbs.
Description: The activity explains and provides examples of the correct use of demonstrative adjectives.
Keywords: Demonstrative adjectives, this, that, clothes.
Grammar: Demonstrative adjectives.
Description: Users read and locate items in space according to demonstrative adjectives.
Keywords: Demonstrative adjectives, this, that, clothes
Grammar: Demonstrative adjectives.
Description: At the beginning, students see a lot of faces, and then they cross out the faces which do not match the description. Finally, they identify who the described person is.
Keywords: Adjectives, descriptions, Reading.
Grammar: Adjectives for physical descriptions with have and be.
Description: Students pretend to be police officers who have to identify criminals.
Keywords: Adjectives, descriptions, reading.
Grammar: Adjectives for physical descriptions with have and be.
Description: Student will read and locate places according to the descriptions using prepositions of place.
Keywords: Between, in front of, near, next to, on, behind.
Grammar: Prepositions of place and giving directions.
Description: Student will read and locate places according to the descriptions using prepositions of place.
Keywords: Between, in front of, near, next to, on, behind.
Grammar: Prepositions of place and giving directions.
Description: Student will read and answer some questions about Susan’s diet.
Keywords:Food, habits, have, want, need, like.
Grammar: The Simple Present Tense of have, want, need, and like.
Description: Student will read and answer some questions about Susan’s diet.
Keywords:Food, habits, have, want, need, like.
Grammar: The Simple Present Tense of have, want, need, and like.
Description: Identify activities that can be done at school and activities that can't be done at school.
Keywords: Can, can't
Grammar: Can and adverbs to describe abilities.
Description: Identify the activities that are allowed at school.
Keywords: Can, can't, rules, school
Grammar: Can and adverbs to describe abilities.
Description: Order sentences using can and adverbs.
Keywords: Can, can't, adverbs
Grammar: Can and adverbs to describe abilities.
Description: Students will get the main idea of a paragraph.
Keywords: Rules, instructions.
Grammar: Could / Can Request help.
Description: Students will read and use the modals can, can’t or couldn’t to complete short sentences according to the text.
Keywords: Can, can’t, couldn’t
Grammar: Could / Can (permission).
Description: In this section students will review how to form a Zero Conditional sentence.
Keywords: Conditional
Grammar: Conditional sentences type zero.
Description: In this section students will practice reading comprehension skills and writing.
Keywords: Conditionals, reading comprehension
Grammar: Conditional sentence type zero.
Description: In this section students will read short paragraphs and will choose the best answer to the questions.
Keywords: Wh questions, wh words, simple present.
Grammar: Wh questions in Simple Present.
Description: In this section students will read some sentences, and they will choose the wh word which fits in the question.
Keywords: Wh questions, wh words, simple present
Grammar: Wh questions in Simple Present.
Description: Reading to get information, infering information.
Keywords: Simple past, WH words.
Grammar: WH words.
Description: Reading to get the message.
Keywords: Simple past.
Grammar: WH Words and questions.
Description: The student will identify five wrong plural words.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Plurals.
Description: The student will arrange sentences in a hierarchical order.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Plurals.
Description: Replace the unnecessary words.
Keywords: Me, you, it, him, her, us,them.
Grammar: Object pronouns.
Description: Match the sentences that have the same meaning.
Keywords: Object pronouns, me, you, he, she, it, us, them
Grammar: Object pronouns.
Description: Identify and use vocabulary for a kitchen.
Keywords: In, on, at.
Grammar: Kitchen vocabulary.
Description: Obtain the clues to win the race.
Keywords: In, on, at, prepositions, place, time.
Grammar: Prepositions of time and place.
Description: Understanding the use of prepositions of time and place: in, on, at.
Keywords: In, on, at.
Grammar: Prepositions of time and place: in, on, at.
Description: Students practice reading by completing the text with the correct pronouns.
Keywords: Pronouns, travel, vacation, cultural issues.
Grammar: Subject, object and possessive pronouns.
Description: Students practice reading by completing the text with the correct pronouns.
Keywords: Pronouns, advice, should, shouldn’t; relationships, family issues, friends issues.
Grammar: Pronouns personal: reflexive and possessive.
Description: Student will read about St. Francis and answer specific questions about reading.
Keywords: San Francisco Reading.
Grammar: ---
Description: Adjectives, order of.
Keywords: Wriritng sentences.
Grammar: Order of adjectives.
Description: The students will read sentences and identify the correct order of sentences.
Keywords: Describing, adjectives.
Grammar: Order of adjectives.
Description: Students will read a biography and answer comprehension questions.
Keywords: Verbs in past simple.
Grammar: Verbs in past simple.
Description: Student will match phrases.
Keywords: Present continuous in affirmative and negative.
Grammar: Present continuous.
Description: Student will match phrases.
Keywords: Present continuous in affirmative and negative.
Grammar: Present continuous.
Description: In this activity students read a description of a problematic vacation.
Keywords: cold, everything, expensive, hot, loud, noisy, quiet, rainy, small, spicy, too, unfriendly.
Grammar: Too + adjective to express a problem.
Description: The student will develop two activities from the reading about the Hollywood star Will Smith.
Keywords: Reading, exercises.
Grammar: Tenses, past, present, future.
Description: Practice of indefinite articles.
Keywords: A & An.
Grammar: Indefinite articles.
Description: Students Hill read a short text and will answer two different exercises.
Keywords: Simple present, frequency adverbs, reading comprehension.
Grammar: Simple present, frequency adverbs.
Description: Read a dialogue between Little Blue Shiny Shoes and the dog.
Keywords: Can I…? You can…You can’t.
Grammar: Parts of the body, asking for and giving permission.
Description: Ask for and give permission on how to behave in a tea party.
Keywords: Can I…? You can…You can’t.
Grammar: Behave, wear, what can you do…
Description: Read and check understanding.
Keywords:, there was, there were, god.
Grammar: Adjectives and verb to be.
Description: Organize objects when shopping according to the text.
Keywords: It is, it isn’t, they are, they aren’t,
Grammar: Adjectives and verb to be.
Description: In this section the students will find the central ideas of the text.
Keywords: Obligation, responsibility, certainty.
Grammar: Modal auxiliaries Must / Have to.
Description: In this section the students will find the central ideas of the text.
Keywords: Obligation, responsibility, certainty.
Grammar: Modal auxiliaries Must / Have to.
Description: Scramble sentences
Keywords: Present, continuous, verbs
Grammar: Present continuous
Description: Students will practice vocabulary about family relationships and the use of some adjectives.
Keywords: adjectives, is, are, has, have
Grammar: simple present
Description: The students will recognize the pronunciation of numbers 0 - 20.
Keywords: Numbers 0-20
Grammar: Numbers 0-20
Description: Students listen to dialogues and write the relationship between persons.
Keywords: Classmate, boss, neighbor
Grammar: Possessive adjetives and nouns
Description: Students will listen to the personal titles pronunciation. Then, they will listen carefully in order to differentiate the personal title and drag the correct option.
Keywords: Titles, Mr., Ms., Mrs., Miss
Grammar: Personal titles
Description: In this section students practice listening to present continuous and time expressions.
Keywords: Present continuous, future, plans, time expressions.
Grammar: Present continuous (future)
Description: Students match Pictures with sentences.
Keywords: Students match Pictures with sentences.
Grammar: Present continuous (future)
Description: Students will find out the image that matches the audio information.
Keywords: House
Grammar: There is, there are
Description: Identify time and activities on a daily routine.
Keywords: Crossword, listening, time, routine, verbs.
Grammar: Events and Times
Description: Pronunciation practice of third person singular.
Keywords: Pronunciation practice of third person singular.
Grammar: Simple Present
Description: In this section you will practice listening to the spelling of English names.
Keywords: Spelling, name, last name.
Grammar: Alphabet; spelling.
Description: In this section you will hear a short conversation where you can practice your listening skills.
Keywords: Occupations; spelling.
Grammar: Verb to be
Description: Students listen to a cookies cooking recipe to obtain main and specific information.
Keywords: Listening food vocabulary.
Grammar: Present simple, cooking verbs, food vocabulary
Description: Students listen to a sentence in English and choose the correct reply.
Keywords: Would you like?
Grammar: Would you like?
Description: Identify the different pronunciation of regular verbs.
Keywords: Pronunciation, past, verbs, regular.
Grammar: Regular verbs in the past tense.
Description: Identify the different pronunciation of regular verbs.
Keywords: Pronunciation, past, verbs, regular.
Grammar: Regular verbs in the past tense.
Description: Identify the different pronunciation of regular verbs.
Keywords: Pronunciation, past, verbs, regular.
Grammar: Regular verbs in the past tense.
Description: Listen to the verbs in the past tense and match them with their present tense form.
Keywords: Pronunciation, past, verbs, irregular.
Grammar: Regular verbs in the past tense.
Description: Practice comprehension of irregular verbs in the past.
Keywords: Verbs, past.
Grammar: The past tense of irregular verbs.
Description: Choose the correct verb spelling and pronunciation according to the idea.
Keywords: Pronunciation, past, verbs, irregular.
Grammar: Irregular verbs in the past tense.
Description: The student will match sounds and images correctly.
Keywords: Travel, be going to, should.
Grammar: Modal should.
Description: The student will listen and identify future expressions.
Keywords: Be going to.
Grammar: Future structure.
Description: Students are going to watch a video and they will choose True or false according with the video.
Keywords: Mystery stories, simple past, listening comprehension.
Grammar: Simple past, regular and Irregular verbs, was/were.
Description: Students match the pictures with the sentences they heard.
Keywords: Listening, simple past, regular and irregular verbs.
Grammar: Simple past.
Description: Students will drag words and phrases to complete the lyrics of a song.
Keywords: First conditional.
Grammar: Conditional sentences Type One.
Description: Students will hear short stories and they will choose the best option.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Conditional sentences type one.
Description: The students listen to an audio about Future Simple and answer the questions.
Keywords: Will, won’t.
Grammar: Future Simple.
Description: The student listens to an audio and he identifies the sentences in Simple Present and Present Continuous.
Keywords: Simple Present, Present Continuous.
Grammar: Simple Present vs Present Continuous.
Description: Students listen to a conversation in which they listen to people giving some advice and then, they answer a listening comprehension exercise.
Keywords: Advice, remedy, should.
Grammar: Should for advice.
Description: Students identify some problems two people have. Then students try to give them advice.
Keywords: Advice, remedy, should.
Grammar: Should for advice.
Description: Users practice identification of means of transportation in oral discourse.
Keywords: Demonstrative adjectives, this, that, clothes.
Grammar: Demonstrative adjectives.
Description: Users practice the ability of telling between the simple present tense and the imperative in oral discourse.
Keywords: Imperative, means of transportation.
Grammar: Imperative.
Description: The student will be exposed to first conditional structure, he will also practice taking notes in a listening task.
Keywords: If … will/won’t, listening.
Grammar: If … will/won’t.
Description: The student will answer questions after listening to a dialogue.
Keywords: Was, were, wasn’t, weren’t.
Grammar: Past of verb to be.
Description: Students will listen to a boy talking about his last vacation and answer two exercises based on the audio.
Keywords: beach, plane, seafood, souvenirs, summer, vacation, weather, went.
Grammar: The Past Tense of the Verbs.
Description: Students will listen to a boy talking about his last vacation and answer two exercises based on the audio.
Keywords: beach, plane, seafood, souvenirs, summer, vacation, weather, went.
Grammar: The Past Tense of the Verbs.
Description: Users become familiar with the different sounds of demonstrative adjectives: \?this, th?s\ y \?th?z\
Keywords: Demonstrative adjectives, this, that, clothes
Grammar: Demonstrative adjectives.
Description: Users attempt to discern demonstrative adjectives in oral discourse.
Keywords: Demonstrative adjectives, this, that, clothes.
Grammar: Demonstrative adjectives.
Description: Memory game, in which students have to find descriptions which match the pictures they are shown.
Keywords: Adjectives, descriptions, listening.
Grammar: Adjectives for physical descriptions with have and be.
Description: Students listen to a person talking about her photo album and they identify who the people in the album are.
Keywords: Adjectives, descriptions, listening.
Grammar: Adjectives for physical descriptions with have and be.
Description: SS will listen to conversations about giving directions to get to a place.
Keywords: between, in front of, near, next to, on, behind, Where’s …? How do I get to…?.
Grammar: Prepositions of place and giving directions.
Description: SS will listen to conversations about giving directions to get to a place.
Keywords: between, in front of, near, next to, on, behind, Where’s …? How do I get to…?.
Grammar: Prepositions of place and giving directions.
Description: Students have to listen to the conversation to complete a chart about what Rachel and Lulu have, need or like.
Keywords: Need, like, have.
Grammar: The Simple Present Tense of have, need, and like.
Description: Students have to listen to the conversation to complete a chart about what Rachel and Lulu have, need or like.
Keywords: Need, like, have.
Grammar: The Simple Present Tense of have, need, and like.
Description: Identify the activities that can be done at Zephyrus KB3.
Keywords: Can, can’t
Grammar: Can and adverbs to describe abilities.
Description: Identify what the superhero can and can’t do. Ask questions.
Keywords: Can, can’t.
Grammar: Can and adverbs to describe abilities.
Description: Identify what the robot can and can’t do.
Keywords: Can, can’t
Grammar: Can and adverbs to describe abilities.
Description: Students will get familiar with can and could structures, as well as practice listening for gist and details.
Keywords: Can/could for permission public places
Grammar: ---
Description: In this section the student will have a fill in the blanks exercise and will complete statements using the zero conditional.
Keywords: Conditionals
Grammar: Zero conditional.
Description: Listen and match.
Keywords: If clauses, main clauses, conditionals.
Grammar: Zero conditional.
Description: Students will listen to a question and will decide if it is correct or incorrect.
Keywords: Wh questions, wh words, simple present.
Grammar: Wh questions in Simple Present.
Description: Students will complete the sentences with the phrases given in the box.
Keywords: Wh questions, wh words, simple present.
Grammar: Wh questions in Simple Present.
Description: Listen and answer the questions.
Keywords: WH words, simple past questions, simple past.
Grammar: WH words.
Description: Listen and answer the questions.
Keywords: WH words, simple past questions, simple past.
Grammar: WH words.
Description: The student will identify words from a recording.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Plurals.
Description: The student will identify words from a recording.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Plurals.
Description: Ss choose the picture that match the sentence.
Keywords: Direct and indirect object, object pronouns.
Grammar: Object pronoun.
Description: Listening activity.
Keywords: Pronouns, object pronouns.
Grammar: Object pronouns.
Description: Listen and identify the prepositions in, on, at.
Keywords: In, on, at.
Grammar: Prepositions in, on, at.
Description: Listen and organize a pet shop.
Keywords: In, on, at.
Grammar: Prepositions, in, on, at, places.
Description: Identifying and use prepositions of time and place: in, on, at.
Keywords: In, on, at.
Grammar: Prepositions, in, on, at, places.
Description: In this section students will fill in the blanks while listening to a The Beatles song.
Keywords: Pronouns: subject, object, possessive. Possessive adjectives. I, you, she; her, mine, ours; my.
Grammar: Personal Pronouns, possessive pronouns.
Description: Students practice their listening skills by listening to two people asking Trudy for advice about their problems. Reflexive and possessive pronouns are used.
Keywords: Pronouns reflexive and possessive.
Grammar: Reflexive pronouns, possessive pronouns.
Description: Users hear a conversation and mark the correct choice.
Keywords: Traveling , should, could.
Grammar: Should , could.
Description: Adjectives, order of.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Order of adjectives.
Description: The students wil identify the adjectives used in the conversations.
Keywords: Describing, adjectives.
Grammar: Order of adjectives.
Description: Students practice their listening skills by listening to two people asking Trudy for advice about their problems. Reflexive and possessive pronouns are used.
Keywords: Pronouns reflexive and possessive.
Grammar: Reflexive pronouns, possessive pronouns.
Description: The student will write questions and words missing in a description.
Keywords: Questions, present continuous tense.
Grammar: ’Wh’ questions in the present continuous tense.
Description: The student will write questions and words missing in a description.
Keywords: Questions, present continuous tense.
Grammar: ’Wh’ questions in the present continuous tense.
Description: Students will listen toseveral conversations and will identify the problem for each.
Keywords: difficult, expensive, fat, hot, late, loud, tired, young.
Grammar: Too + adjective to express a problem.
Description: The student will listen to the sentences to identify the correct tense.
Keywords: Listening, tenses.
Grammar: Tenses, past, present, future.
Description: Students listen to words and choose the appropriate indefinite article.
Keywords: Listening.
Grammar: Indefinite Articles.
Description: The student will listen to an excerpt and will answer some questions.
Keywords: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Grammar: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Description: Identify activities people can do at the aquarium.
Keywords: Can I…? Can he…? Can, can’t.
Grammar: Questions and answers with can.
Description: Asking for permission because you want to go to a party.
Keywords: Can I…? Can he…? Can, can’t.
Grammar: Questions and answers to ask for and give permission or not.
Description: Reporting the characteristics of different types of dance by comparing some of them.
Keywords: As, is, are, isn’t, aren’t,
Grammar: Adjectives and verb to be.
Description: Listening about sports.
Keywords: is, are, isn’t, aren’t,
Grammar: Comparisons, adjectives,, is, are, isn’t, aren’t.
Description: The student is going to listen to an interview, while listening he is going to fill in the blanks; then he will answer some question about the information heard.
Keywords: Obligation, certainty, recommendation
Grammar: Must / Have to
Description: The student is going to listen to an interview, while listening he is going to fill in the blanks; then he will answer some question about the information heard.
Keywords: Obligation, certainty, recommendation
Grammar: Must / Have to
Description: Student will create a family and he will describe it.
Keywords: Family relationships
Grammar: simple present, adjectives
Description: Writing complete numbers
Keywords: Numbers 0-20
Grammar: Numbers 0-20
Description: Writing complete numbers
Keywords: Numbers 0-20
Grammar: Numbers 0-20
Description: Writing information about the student and his or her friends.
Keywords: Name, address, numbers
Grammar: Possessive adjectives and nouns
Description: Here the students will put in order the words to form sentences, based on the images and the example.
Keywords: Titles, Mr., Ms., Mrs., Miss
Grammar: Personal titles
Description: The student has to put the part o f the sentences in correct order.
Keywords: Present continuous, future, plans
Grammar: Present continuous (future)
Description: The students describe their plans for this week.
Keywords: Present continuous, future, plans, memoria
Grammar: Present continuous (future)
Description: Students will write the missing words in the correct spaces.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: there is and there are
Description: Identify vocabulary about events
Keywords: Events
Grammar: Events and Times
Description: Writing practice for telling time.
Keywords: Present, simple
Grammar: Simple Present
Description: In this section you will practice writing sentences using the verb to be.
Keywords: Writing, grammar, verb to be.
Grammar: Verb to be
Description: In this section you will practice using the indefinite articles A and An.
Keywords: Exercise, grammar, articles.
Grammar: Indefinite articles
Description: In this section you will complete the story using the verb to be.
Keywords: Writing, story, cloze test.
Grammar: Verb to be, affirmative, negative. Occupations
Description: In this section you will write an e-mail to a friend.
Keywords: Writing, personal information.
Grammar: Verb to be, occupations, use of A / An
Description: How many, how much, Is there, Are there, containers and quantifiers.
Keywords: How many, how much, containers and quantifiers.
Grammar: How many?, How much?, Is there?, Are there?, containers and quantifiers.
Description: Practice the regular verbs in the past tense.
Keywords: Verbs, past.
Grammar: Correct spelling of the regular verbs in the past tense.
Description: Practice the regular verbs in the past tense.
Keywords: Verbs, past.
Grammar: Correct spelling of the regular verbs in the past tense.
Description: Practice writing about events in the past.
Keywords: Verbs, past.
Grammar: Writing affirmative, negative and interrogatives sentences using regular verbs in the past tense.
Description: Use the correct irregular verb.
Keywords: Verbs, irregular, actions.
Grammar: Irregular verbs in the past tense.
Description: Use the correct irregular verb.
Keywords: Verbs, irregular, actions.
Grammar: Irregular verbs in the past tense.
Description: Write about Nancy’s first day at elementary school.
Keywords: Verbs, irregular, actions.
Grammar: Irregular verbs in the past tense.
Description: The student will choose options to write coherent expressions in future.
Keywords: Travel, be going to, should.
Grammar: Modal should, be going to.
Description: The student will choose options to write coherent expressions in future.
Keywords: Travel, be going to, should.
Grammar: Modal should, be going to.
Description: Answering past questions, using irregular verbs.
Keywords: Past events, yesterday, remember, did.
Grammar: Simple past, regular / irregular verbs.
Description: Students are going to play snakes & ladders.
Keywords: Simple past game, regular and irregular verbs.
Grammar: Simple past.
Description: Answer the questions use your own ideas.
Keywords: First conditional.
Grammar: Writing.
Description: The student arranges the words to make sentences in Future Simple.
Keywords: Will.
Grammar: Future Simple.
Description: The student writes a short composition using Simple Present and Present Continuous. Then he prints it and takes it to his tutor or English teacher so they can check your work.
Keywords: Present Simple and present continuous affirmative sentences.
Grammar: Simple Present, Present Continuous.
Description: Students give remedies to many problems.
Keywords: Advice, remedy, should.
Grammar: Should for advice.
Description: Students play a video game in which they have to write suggestions.
Keywords: Advice, remedy, should.
Grammar: Should for advice.
Description: Users practice writing and the grammatical structure of the imperative by suggesting solutions to problems about transportation.
Keywords: Means of transportation, imperative.
Grammar: Imperative.
Description: The student can use the right tense of the verbs in both parts of the first conditional structure.
Keywords: If … will/won’t.
Grammar: If … will/won’t.
Description: The student can use the first conditional structure in a given situation.
Keywords: If … will/won’t.
Grammar: If … will/won’t.
Description: The student can use the first conditional structure in a given situation.
Keywords: If … will/won’t, warnings
Grammar: If … will/won’t.
Description: The student will use the first conditional structure in question form.
Keywords: If … will/won’t, questions
Grammar: If … will/won’t, interrogative form
Description: The student will use first conditional structure to support his choice.
Keywords: If … will/won’t.
Grammar: If … will/won’t.
Description: Students will answer some detective's questions.
Keywords: Was, were.
Grammar: Past of Verb to be.
Description: Students read a short interview with a CCH girl. She answers questions about when she was ten years old. Then students answer the same questions about the same topic.
Keywords: food, friends, like, live, movies, pet, school, teacher, teacher, TV, was, went, were.
Grammar: The Past Tense of the Verbs.
Description: Students read a short interview with a CCH girl. She answers questions about when she was ten years old. Then students answer the same questions about the same topic.
Keywords: food, friends, like, live, movies, pet, school, teacher, teacher, TV, was, went, were.
Grammar: The Past Tense of the Verbs.
Description: Students read a short interview with a CCH girl. She answers questions about when she was ten years old. Then students answer the same questions about the same topic.
Keywords: food, friends, like, live, movies, pet, school, teacher, teacher, TV, was, went, were.
Grammar: The Past Tense of the Verbs.
Description: Users use demonstrative adjectives in writing in order to identify different items.
Keywords: Demonstrative adjectives, this, that, clothes.
Grammar: Demonstrative adjectives.
Description: Students complete descriptions about missing people.
Keywords: Adjectives, descriptions, writing.
Grammar: Adjectives for physical descriptions with have and be.
Description: Students write descriptions in police posters of wanted people.
Keywords: Adjectives, descriptions, writing.
Grammar: Adjectives for physical descriptions with have and be.
Description: The students will complete the sentences with a preposition.
Keywords: between, in front of, near, next to, on, behind.
Grammar: Prepositions of place and giving directions.
Description: The students will complete the sentences with a preposition.
Keywords: between, in front of, near, next to, on, behind.
Grammar: Prepositions of place and giving directions.
Description: The students will complete the sentences with a preposition.
Keywords: between, in front of, near, next to, on, behind.
Grammar: Prepositions of place and giving directions.
Description: The students will complete sentences with simple present tense.
Keywords: Have, need, like, want.
Grammar: The Simple Present Tense of have, want, need, and like.
Description: The students will complete sentences with simple present tense.
Keywords: Have, need, like, want.
Grammar: The Simple Present Tense of have, want, need, and like.
Description: Use can/can’t to express ability.
Keywords: Can/can’t
Grammar: Can and adverbs to describe abilities.
Description: Write about different activities a person can do.
Keywords: Can, adverbs, abilities
Grammar: Can and adverbs to describe abilities.
Description: Students will work with modals can could for permission, as well as recognize their meaning.
Keywords: Can Could asking for permission.
Grammar: Can Could asking for permission.
Description: Students will write a note asking someone to help them.
Keywords: Can / request favor.
Grammar: Can / request favor.
Description: Students will write some rules about dating a girl in the past.
Keywords: Could permission in the past.
Grammar: Could permission in the past.
Description: Students will write the conditional sentence by the cause and result which are given to them.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Conditional Sentences Type Zero.
Description: Students will complete the sentences with the phrases given in the box.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Conditional sentences type zero.
Description: Students will make a question with the words given.
Keywords: Wh questions, wh words, simple present.
Grammar: Wh questions in Simple Present.
Description: Students will write a question with the information given in the answer.
Keywords: Wh questions, wh words, simple present.
Grammar: Wh questions in Simple Present.
Description: The student will identify elements in the picture and write plural forms.
Keywords: There is, there are.
Grammar: Plurals.
Description: The student will write plural forms.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Plurals.
Description: Replace the indirect and direct object with the correct object pronoun.
Keywords: Object pronouns, nouns , pronouns.
Grammar: Object pronouns.
Description: Complete the sentences.
Keywords: Pronouns, nouns, object pronouns.
Grammar: Object pronouns.
Description: Select the correct preposition.
Keywords: In, on, at, prepositions, time, place.
Grammar: Prepositions of place and time.
Description: Use the correct preposition for time and place.
Keywords: In, on, at, prepositions, time, place.
Grammar: Prepositions of place and time.
Description: In this section students practice their writing skills by using subject pronouns to describe a family.
Keywords: Pronouns, Subject pronouns. I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they.
Grammar: Pronouns.
Description: In this section students should try to use the formulas recommended in the guidelines to ask and answer for advice and how to give suggestions. Students write an email telling about a problem they have asking for advice. Students suggest how to solve a problem.
Keywords: Personal Pronouns: subject , object, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns. You should..., Let’s..., Why don’t you...,It’ll be a good idea to...
Grammar: Expressions to give advice an make suggestions.
Description: Students practice writing by reading some letters addressed to Dear Trudy and they write their advice following all the examples given on Dear Trudy’s column.
Keywords: Reflexive and possessive pronouns. Advice.
Grammar: Pronouns.
Description: The student will write sentences using could and couldn't about the many things you can do in the city.
Keywords: Could, couldn’t.
Grammar: Could, couldn’t.
Description: The students will make use of the order of adjectives.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Order of adjectives.
Description: Adjectives, order of.
Keywords: Wriritng sentences.
Grammar: Order of adjectives.
Description: Aplicando las reglas vistas en la explicación el alumno escribe el pasado simple de un grupo de verbos.
Keywords: Regular verbs simple past.
Grammar: Spelling rules for regular verbs in simple past.
Description: Students will look at a series of photographs about a family last vacation, they will write the story about the pictures.
Keywords: Writing, family last vacation, regular verbs, past simple.
Grammar: Regular verbs in past simple.
Description: Students will describe what some people are doing.
Keywords: Present continuous.
Grammar: Wh questions in present continuous.
Description: Students will describe what some people are doing.
Keywords: Present continuous.
Grammar: Wh questions in present continuous.
Description: Students will write a short e-mail declining an invitation.
Keywords: birthday, busy, can’t, party, sorry, tickets.
Grammar: Too + adjective to express a problem.
Description: The student will choose the right tense of the verb for each of the sentences.
Keywords: Tenses, practice, past, present, future.
Grammar: Past, present, future.
Description: The student will write a short text about his / her life.
Keywords: Writing, description, tenses.
Grammar: Tenses, past, present, future.
Description: Students complete the sentences using A & An.
Keywords: Writing sentences.
Grammar: Indefinite articles.
Description: The student will form sentences using the boxes.
Keywords: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Grammar: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Description: The student will arrange in the correct order the following sentences.
Keywords: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Grammar: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Description: The students will write sentences in present simple for the pictures using the frequency adverb given.
Keywords: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Grammar: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Description: The student will listen to an excerpt and will answer some questions.
Keywords: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Grammar: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Description: Give suggestions on what pregnant women can or can’t do.
Keywords: Pregnant, can, can’t.
Grammar: Giving suggestions using can and can’t.
Description: Write about exotic food.
Keywords: In, can, can’t.
Grammar: Ask for and give permission using can and can’t.
Description: Answer questions about Smile White and the Seven Dots.
Keywords: Is, isn’t, are, aren’t, as.
Grammar: Adjectives and verb to be.
Description: Compare the abilities of some animals.
Keywords: Is, isn’t, are, aren’t,
Grammar: Verb to be and adjectives.
Description: Students will fill in the gaps using have to or must. They will arrange a text. They will unscramble a set of statements.
Keywords: Obligation, responsibility, certainty.
Grammar: Must / Have to
Description: Students will fill in the gaps using have to or must. They will arrange a text. They will unscramble a set of statements.
Keywords: Obligation, responsibility, certainty.
Grammar: Must / Have to
Description: Practice telling time on both ways: analog and digital.
Keywords: Time, Clock.
Grammar: Events and Times
Description: Frequency adverbs practice (simple present)
Keywords: Frequency adverbs, Adverbs of frequency, always, never, sometimes.
Grammar: Simple Present
Description: Self evaluation of simple present.
Keywords: Frequency adverbs, Adverbs of frequency, always, never, sometimes.
Grammar: Simple Present
Description: Vocabulary practice of daily routine (simple present)
Keywords: Verbs, infinitives, daily activities, rutines, chores.
Grammar: Simple present
Description: Practice of daily routine verbs (simple present)
Keywords: Verbs, infinitives, daily, activities, rutines, chores.
Grammar: Simple present
Description: Drag and drop activity.
Keywords: Pronouns: subject, object, possessive and reflexive.
Grammar: Pronouns: subject, object, possessive and reflexive.
Description: Students practice with the pronouns reviewed.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Reflexive and possessive pronouns.
Description: Students practice their listening skills. Students fill in the blank with the correct form of the pronoun.
Keywords: Pronouns reflexive and possessive, subject.
Grammar: Reflexive pronouns, possessive pronouns, subject pronouns.
Description: Students read guidelines to write an advice letter.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: possessive pronouns and reflexive pronouns.
Description: Memory game to practice
Keywords: Am, is, are,, am not, is not, are not
Description: Students will drag words to complete sentences or conversations.
Keywords: how, how old, who, parents, teacher, are, is, years old
Grammar: Questions: Who / How old + Be
Description: The students practice the writen form of numbers by playing domino.
Keywords: Numbers 0-20
Grammar: Numbers 0-20
Description: Students will answer some questions and they play a rally
Keywords: ’s, my, his, her, your, their
Grammar: Numbers, titles, Possessive adjectives and nouns.
Description: Students will find some occupations in a word search puzzle.
Keywords: Mechanic, scientist, doctor, pilot, nurse, teacher, chef, housewife, model, student, dentist, artist, singer, painter, architect.
Grammar: Occupations.
Description: Los alumnos completan los espacios en blanco conjugando el verbo entre paréntesis en presente continuo.
Keywords: Present Continuous, Future plans, Quiz.
Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense (Future).
Description: Los alumnos completan los espacios en blanco conjugando el verbo entre paréntesis en presente continuo.
Keywords: Present Continuous, Future plans, Quiz.
Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense (Future).
Description: Los alumnos completan los espacios en blanco conjugando el verbo entre paréntesis en presente continuo.
Keywords: Present Continuous, Future plans, Quiz.
Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense (Future).
Description: Students fill the blanks using there is/there are.
Keywords: There is /there are, house, garden
Grammar: There is /there are.
Description: Answer the questions
Keywords: There is /there are, furniture, bedroom, house
Grammar: There is /there are.
Description: Students will write the missing words in the blanks.
Keywords: There is /there are, furniture, bedroom, house, appliance.
Grammar: There is /there are.
Description: Practice completing ideas about time and events
Keywords: Time, Events
Grammar: Events and Times
Description: Consolidation of simple present.
Keywords: Do, does, doesn’t, don’t, usually.
Grammar: Simple present.
Description: Practice of present simple affirmative form.
Keywords: Present simple exercises game Infinitives
Grammar: Simple Present.
Description: Practice and identify right and wrong sentences in simple present.
Keywords: Game Present simple affirmative and negative
Grammar: Simple Present.
Description: Students will classify countable and uncountable nouns.
Keywords: Countable uncountable nouns.
Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns.
Description: Snakes and Latters Game about: countable and uncountable nouns, how many and how much, is there/are there, quantifiers and containers, and present simple.
Keywords: Exercise on countable and uncountable nouns, how many/ how much, is there/are there, quantifiers and containers and present simple.
Grammar: countable and uncountable nouns, how many and how much, is there/are there, quantifiers and containers, and present simple.
Description: In this section you can practice and test your knowledge of occupations
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Verb to be, use of A, An.
Description: In this section you can practice with the vocabulary of occupations.
Keywords: Crossword puzzle
Grammar: Occupations, verb to be.
Description: Rally
Keywords: Verbs, past, pronunciation.
Grammar: Correct pronunciation of regular verbs in the past tense.
Description: Writing postcards
Keywords: Use regular verbs to tell your friend about your past vacations.
Grammar: Regular, verbs, past.
Description: Choose the corresponding irregular verb.
Keywords: Verbs, irregular, actions.
Grammar: Irregular verbs in the past tense.
Description: Correct the verbs that don’t match the tense in the text.
Keywords: Verbs, irregular, actions.
Grammar: Irregular verbs in the past tense.
Description: The students will fill the spaces.
Keywords: Be going to.
Grammar: Future structure.
Description: Students organice the sentences
Keywords: Exercises simple past, regular and irregular verbs.
Grammar: Simple past.
Description: Complete sentences
Keywords: Exercises of irregular verbs.
Grammar: Simple past.
Description: The student reviews his understanding about Simple Present and Present Continuous answering the quiz.
Keywords: Simple Present, Present Continuous.
Grammar: Simple Present, Present Continuous.
Description: Students answer a quiz in which they have to suggest remedies.
Keywords: Advice, remedy, should.
Grammar: Should for advice.
Description: Users practice and evaluate their own use of the imperative while suggesting means of transportation.
Keywords: Imperative, Means of transportation.
Grammar: Imperative.
Description: The student will self evaluate his progress on first conditional structure.
Keywords: If … will/won’t.
Grammar: If … will/won’t.
Description: The student will self evaluate his progress on first conditional structure.
Keywords: If … will/won’t.
Grammar: If … will/won’t.
Description: The student will practice the use of verb to be in past.
Keywords: Was, wasn’t, were, weren’t, wh-questions
Grammar: Verb to be in past.
Description: Students answer grammar exercise to test the use of the past tense.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: The Past Tense of the Verbs.
Description: Students answer grammar exercise to test the use of the past tense.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: The Past Tense of the Verbs
Description: Users practice and evaluate their own use of demonstrative adjectives.
Keywords: demonstrative adjectives, this, that, clothes.
Grammar: demonstrative adjectives.
Description: Students complete descriptions using the correct form of "have" and "be".
Keywords: Adjectives, descriptions, quiz.
Grammar: Adjectives for physical descriptions with have and be.
Description: Students complete a crossword puzle based on the descriptions given.
Keywords: Places.
Grammar: Vocabulary.
Description: Students read questions and choose logical answers according to a map.
Keywords: Places, Where’s….? How do I get to…? Is there…?
Grammar: Where’s….? How do I get to…? Is there…?
Description: Students will answer some questions about their eating habits.
Keywords: Test, eating habits.
Grammar: The Simple Present Tense of have, want, need, and like.
Description: Practice the use of can and adverbs remembering how your abilities have changed.
Keywords: TCan, adverbs, abilities.
Grammar: Can and adverbs to describe abilities.
Description: Practice use of can and adverbs.
Keywords: Can, adverbs, abilities
Grammar: Can and adverbs to describe abilities.
Description: Students can practice the modals can could to request help.
Keywords: Can Could request for help.
Grammar: Can Could request for help.
Description: Students match each cause with its respective result.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Conditional Sentences Type Zero.
Description: Students will match the columns in order to make a question and answer it.
Keywords: Wh questions, wh words, simple present.
Grammar: Wh questions in Simple Present.
Description: Students will drag the words in a sentence in order to form a wh question.
Keywords: Wh questions, wh words, simple present.
Grammar: Wh questions in Simple Present.
Description: The student will look for and find words in plural.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Plurals.
Description: Practice prepositions of time and place.
Keywords: In, on, at, prepositions, time, place.
Grammar: Prepositions of place and time.
Description: Write the correct preposition on the space.
Keywords: In, on, at, prepositions.
Grammar: Prepositions of place and time.
Description: Students will fill in the blanks on the tree with the names of their family members.
Keywords: Relationships, family tree.
Grammar: ---
Description: Students read sentences and have to discriminate between two options.
Keywords: My, myself, her, herself, his, himself, our, ourselves.
Grammar: possessive pronouns and reflexive pronouns.
Description: The students will decide if the sentences is correct or incorrect and will make the appropriate corrections.
Keywords: Describing, adjectives, quiz.
Grammar: Order of adjectives.
Description: The student will make questions or answer some.
Keywords: Wh questions, present continuous.
Grammar: 'Wh' questions in present continuous
Description: Students answer grammar exercise to test the use of the grammar point too + adjective.
Keywords: busy, cold, dirty, expensive, far, hot, sad, small, tired.
Grammar: Too + adjective to express a problem.
Description: The student will complete the sentences using the appropriate verb.
Keywords: Cloze test, tenses.
Grammar: Tenses, past, present, future.
Description: The students will complete the sentences using the appropriate article.
Keywords: Articles, usage, indefinite articles.
Grammar: Indefinite articles.
Description: The students will choose from the options the appropriate verb.
Keywords: Simple Present, frequency adverbs, quiz.
Grammar: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Description: The students will match the phrases to form sentences.
Keywords: Simple Present, frequency adverbs, quiz.
Grammar: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Description: The students will choose the appropriate use of the simple present.
Keywords: Simple Present, frequency adverbs, quiz.
Grammar: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Description: The students will choose the appropriate adverb for the sentences.
Keywords: Simple Present, frequency adverbs, quiz.
Grammar: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Description: The students wil choose the appropriate adverb for the sentences.
Keywords: Simple Present, frequency adverbs, quiz.
Grammar: Simple Present, frequency adverbs.
Description: Conversation between a girl and a host in a theater.
Keywords: Can I…? You can…You can’t…
Grammar: Asking for and giving permission using can.
Description: Expressing equalities about different topics.
Keywords: Verb to be and adjectives.
Grammar: Is, are, isn’t, aren’t,
Grammar: Verb to be, verb to have, Questions: Who / How old + Be
Grammar: Numbers 0-20
Grammar: Relationships
Grammar: Personal Titles
Grammar: Events and Times
Grammar: ---
Grammar: ---
Grammar: Irregular verbs in the past tense
Grammar: ---
Grammar: ---
Grammar: If … will/won’t
Grammar: Past Tense of Verb to be
Grammar: Past Tense of Verb to be
Grammar: Demonstrative Adjectives
Grammar: Adjectives for physical description with be and have
Grammar: Prepositions, places and phrases
Grammar: The Simple Present Tense of have, want, need, and like
Grammar: Can and adverbs to describe abilities
Grammar: Vocabulary
Grammar: Vocabulary
Description: Students will use the dictionary to find the meaning of words.
Keywords: Translation, understanding meaning from word, types of words. Vocabulary, dictionary, use of dictionary.
Grammar: Identify the different types of words used in the unit.
Description: In this section students should use a dictionary to build their own vocabulary list . Students should arrange the words found in alphabetical order.
Keywords: ---
Grammar: Personal Pronouns: subject, object, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns.
Grammar: ---
Grammar: ---
Grammar: ---
Grammar: Past, present and future tenses
Grammar: Indefinite articles A and An
Grammar: Simple present and frequency adverbs
Grammar: Can
Diccionario de imágenes muy lúdico para que los niños comprendan a través de la imagen el significado de las palabras en varios idiomas.
Este sitio contiene información acerca de talleres, instituciones culturales y museos. La información fue seleccionada y organizada conforme a diferentes programas educativos de Estados Unidos.
Hecho en México, por la Coordinación de Universidad Abierta y Educación a Distancia.
Todos los derechos reservados 2016.
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